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1207 results:
Solutions Pigs A healthy barn climate determines the productivity, growth, food intake, stress levels and risk of infection of the animals. Fresh air is vital, where it penetrates in the optimal dire  
432 Pigs
The climate in pig stalls must not harm the animals. The special thing is that no two stalls are the same. Each farmer determines the optimal climate for the animals, taking into account aspects suc  
Suitable and modern equipment is a prerequisite for animal-friendly and professional hoof care . Hoof care is important and needs to be done regularly. Our self-locking gears are used in belly belt  
LSR control In order to ensure reliable air conditioning for your stable, we offer you our tried and tested ventilation controller, which allows you to react quickly and cost-effectively to temperatu  
Hoof trimming crush Lock hand drives enable animal-friendly and professional claw care while maintaining the highest possible safety standards for the user.  LEARN MORE  
Climate cover Optimal protection for calves from cold, drafts or other unfavourable weather conditions. Here, part of the lying area is covered to create a microclimate. LEARN MORE  
Feeding table bridges Our drives enable the dairy cattle to be moved safely and stress-free without dirtying the feed table. The bridges can be adjusted electrically or manually, creating a comfortab  
Other applications Our drive systems enable optimal performance and functionality in a wide range of agricultural applications. From controlling cattle flow to protecting calves and facilitating hoo  
Ridge ventilation One solution for a natural ventilation is continuous ridge ventilation, which can create an ideal climate in the building. LEARN MORE  
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